
Friday, 8 November 2013

How to prepare for PMP exam based on PMBOK 5! - Part-1

Dear All,

I am glad to share that I have successfully cleared my PMP exam recently in first try!!

After 3-4 months of rigorous study and putting lots of efforts, I finally managed to crack this Marathon exam..

Although there is no "One size fit all formula" to get this heavy-weight certificate in your bucket, as everyone has his/her own learning style and grasping capabilities, but below are few points I'd like to share, will be helpful to most of you.

I divide this post in 2 parts. In this part (Part-1), we will look into-

1. Pre-requisites - Things you must be prepared for before you head towards PMP direction
2. Study Resources - Books and other resources I found most useful
3. Study Plan - Strategic steps, resources and tips for preparation and clear the exam!!

In Part-2 of this post we will discuss more about the content, topics and areas that are most important for the exam.

Step 1. Pr-requisites:-

 - Be prepared for lots of study - through study of sevaral books several times! There is no short-cut!
 - Most of the things you need to understand but there is really plenty of stuff you need to memorize. So be prepared to memorize lots of stuff.
 - Be prepared to invest approx 1000$ (including exam fee) on various study resoures
 - Take PMI membership and schedule a exam date - it helps!!

Step 2. Arrange below study resources:-

1. PMBOK 5 (free soft copy for PMI members)
2. PMI's eRead (online - free access for members) -
3. Rita Mulcahy's exam preparation kit version 8 (inludes Prep book, PMFastrack and Hot Topics) - Costs $ 280 approx.
4. HeadFirst PMP book

Apart from above things, dont spend time and money on any other books, exam simulators, questions etc.

Step 3. Study plan:-

1. Go through whole PMBOK very quickly to have a feel of the content i.e. process groups, knowledge areas and 47 processes (focus on page 61). Don't start your deep study from PMBOK in first run, we'll come back to PMBOK later!

2. Start with HeadFirst PMP. Book is written in very casual language with lots of pictures and graphics. It will help to generate good interest into the topics and give very strong base. Don't try to answer any chapter's quiz at this moment.

3. Rita Mulcahy's kit is the most helpful resource for the preparation, specially PMFastrack. Start reading each chapter one by one deeply. After every chapter complete all the questions of that chapter from -

 - PMFastrack (part of Rita Mulcahy's kit)
 - Head First PMP (Questions given at last of every chapter)
 - PMI's eRead (PMP Exam Prep: Questions, Answers & Explanations, 2013 Edition)

If your score is 80% or more, your chapter is done. If your score is less then 75%, it means you need to read that chapter again. Complete all chapter one time and keep identify the chapters with less then 75% score.

4. Now lets come to the bible - PMBOK 5!! Read page by page of this book, by paying special attention to the chapters identified above. Make sure you do a through study of PMBOK, even if you scored well above. Reason is, there are lot of information you will not find anywhere other then PMBOK like flowcharts, integration of processes with each other. Also, lots of questions in exam are directly picked from the sentences in the PMBOK.

5. It's time to test you final preparation by taking sample test!! Remember, its very important to practice as many questions as you can. Its good way to test your preparation and very effective way to identify the gaps in your knowledge and fill them.

 - PMFastrack's Super PMP - good questions and answer with detailed explanation.

No need to buy anything as there are plenty of good questions/simulators available in internet for free. Few to name -

 - (1000+ Qs)
 - PMstudy (1 free test of 200 Qs)
 - free pm exam simulator

Make sure you are consistently getting 70-75% in all these tests.

Few important points..

1. don't refer too many study resources, it will only confuse you. I made this mistake and tried/purchased some other resources, but its really not required.

2. Few things you must have on tips. Memorize these few things

 - Name of all 47 processes (with knowledge areas and process group) - page 61 of PMBOK 5
 - Output of all processes
 - Formula's (most on page 224 of PMBOK 5)

3. Inputs and T&T (Tools & Techniques) are good to memorize (if you can!) but outputs are MUST. Make sure you memorize all outputs of all the 47 processes.

Hope this helps!! Best of luck to all of you!! 

  • Name/Feedback on any book/forum/website mentioned in this post are based on my personal experience with no intention to sell/promote/criticize any study resources.
  • “PMBOK”, “PMI”, and “PMP” are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
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Monday, 15 July 2013

PMP Certification - Free Exam Questions and Useful Links

Hello Friends!!

As you know, apart from lots of knowledge and experience, PMP Certification need lots of practice as well.

Following are some useful free available PMP exams/questions online:-

 >> Oliver Lehmann's free exam:

 >> Head First PMP online exam simulator:

 >> PMPForSure's – 100  Questions:

 >> Exam Central's Questions:

 >> ITTO Mock exam
 >> Edwelprograms's exam

 >> Free PM exam

 >> Good PMP Notes/Links:

All the questions are based on PMBOK-4, but very useful. I'll keep updating/adding links.
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PMP PMBOK-5 - All Process and Knowlwdge Areas

Project Integration Management

4.1 Develop Project Charter
4.2 Develop Project Management Plan
4.3 Direct and Manage Project Work
4.4 Monitor and Control Project Work
4.5 Perform Integrated Change Control
4.6 Close Project or Phase

Project Scope Management

5.1 Plan Scope Management
5.2 Collect Requirements
5.3 Define Scope
5.4 Create Work Breakdown Structure

5.5 Validate Scope       
5.6 Control Scope       

Project Time Management

6.1 Plan Schedule Management
6.2 Define Activities
6.3 Sequence Activities
6.4 Estimate Activity Resources
6.5 Estimate Activity Durations
6.6 Develop Schedule
6.7 Control Schedule

Project Cost Management

7.1 Plan Cost Management
7.2 Estimate Costs
7.3 Determine Budget
7.4 Control Costs

Project Quality Management

8.1 Plan Quality Management
8.2 Perform Quality Assurance
8.3 Control Quality

Project Human Resource Management

9.1 Plan Human Resource Management
9.2 Acquire Project Team
9.3 Develop Project Team
9.4 Manage Project Team

Project Communications Management

10.1 Plan Communications Management
10.2 Manage Communications
10.3 Control Communications

Project Risk Management

11.1 Plan Risk Management
11.2 Identify Risks
11.3 Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
11.4 Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
11.5 Plan Risk Response
11.6 Control Risks

Project Procurement Management

12.1 Plan Procurement Management
12.2 Conduct Procurements
12.3 Control Procurements
12.4 Close Procurements

Project Stakeholder Management

13.1 Identify Stakeholders
13.2 Plan Stakeholder Management
13.3 Manage Stakeholder Engagement
13.4 Control Stakeholders Engagement
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Friday, 5 July 2013

PMP Certification -Summary of new changes in PMBOK 5

Hello friends!!

On this page, I'll start a series of posts on PMP certification based on PMBOK 5. 

Hope you are aware that pmbok has been changed/updates recently. Here we will very briefly have a look on the key points/changes in new PMBOK 5. If you are planning to go for PMP certification, below information will be useful-

-    PMBOK 5 has been released in Jan 2013 and available in market to purchase.

-    PMBOK 5 will take effect on 31st July 2013 (for Exam purpose). If you are planning to sit for exam ON or AFTER 31st July 2013, it’ll be based on PMBOK 5.

PMBOK 5 comes with few changes (not major), which are very briefly described in this post. These changes makes PMBOK 5 even more easier and simple to read/understand.

In PMBOK 4 – There was 9 Knowledge Areas + 42 Processes

In PMBOK 5 – There are 10 Knowledge Areas + 47 Processes

In Brief:- 

1 Knowledge Area has been added

-          Stakeholders Management

5 new processes have been added

-          Plan Scope Management
-          Plan Cost Management
-          Plan Schedule Management
-          Plan Stakeholder Management
-          Control Stakeholder Engagement

Also, few process names have been modified. 

Below diagram shows all the 47 processes and 10 knowledge areas in PMBOK 5.

I'll soon start posting detailed posts on common points like "How to clear PMP", "What kind of preparation/study plan required", "What study materiel is best" etc.

I encourage you to post your comments and let me know what you want me to include in the series of posts.
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